
Fill in a 15 min survey

Do you practise Transcendental Meditation already? Are you a meditator who might be autistic or you know that you are on the Autism Spectrum? Share your experience by filling the survey. Your voice and story counts! With your scores we can move away from the purely anecdotal phase to collecting data.

The study investigates how the regular practice of Transcendental Meditation influences the neurodiverse nervous system, mostly focusing on people who live with Autism. Every information will be handled confidentially, it will be used anonymously in the final research and within no circumstance will be given to any third party without asking your consent. Data/information will be exclusively used in this study or we can use them for further developing it.

Survey for Adults

Not at all Outstanding aid and support

Survey for Teenegers

Not at all Outstanding aid and support

Survey for Parents

Not at all Outstanding aid and support

Survey for Adults

There is no 
change at all Results are 
Not helpful
at all It supports 
Not at all I feel confident 
in myself

Survey for Teenegers

Its doesn't help me It really means a lot
at all Super 
at all Super useful
There is no 
change at all Results are 
Not helpful
at all It supports 

Survey for Parents

There is no 
change at all Results are 
Not helpful
at all It supports 
It's difficult, 
I worry a lot I trust deeply
Not at all Significant 
Not at all Totally
It's difficult, I worry a lot I trust deeply