Doctor House

Is Doctor House Autistic or simply rude bloke? Evolution ahead. Channelling the lifeforce of the universe 

Of course there might be more  alternatives than these but surely he could be the perfect characteristic of a mainstream media portrait describing  somebody who is on the Spectrum. He is a genius and he has total ignorance of social boundaries but always makes us soft when he saves somebody’s life. It’ s like a good trade:  a little social for a giant brain. Well, this is something Temple Grandin advocates for as well.

Sacrificing social for being a genius. What a…

Even the word irritates me SACRIFICE, hell no, I don’t want to sacrifice anything. Why would anyone want that?

I think it is too late to ask Dr House about this,  if he ever wanted to have any desire to join any  social gathering ..

.. Most autistic people do want to have a connection, they have the desire to belong and be part of something.

Most of them do want to be included.

Most of us do want to be part of life and break through that plastic veil, which we feel somehow that is always there, looking through it. That strange isolation, segregation, feeling different, being the weirdo, oversensitive ..

In my belief it has nothing to do with how society thinks or what other people says about Autism; it’s something within us that we must break through. 

Something life altering that we and only we could reach it. It’s our own life force that will smash that wall through. Smashing through the midst of ongoing thinking and reaching really within. 

The stronghold of the autistic mind and soul.

That is the depth in us. The depth of an autistic mind and soul. There are so many books about the soul of autism.  That ‘s the stronghold. That’s Doctor House superpower too. His genius is powered by the same lifeforce, his sensitivity, which the character mirrors it so well, is the magic around the autistic mind.

Soul for humanity.

Soul for saving people, being the doctor, being a giant. Knowingly or unknowingly he channels the lifeforce in us but he’s also still trading it for a little social, and at the same time he is yearning for connection.

Zero trading.

You do not need to trade social for a giant brain. That’s bollocks. You can have deep connections and blossoming brain potential at the same time. 

Your soul and lifeforce could do that, you just have to develop new pathways by silencing your mind and allowing that lifeforce flow into all of the arenas in your life. 

It’s possible. It’s our autistic power. It’s evolution.