Contribute to
Autism-TM Research

Transcendental Meditation as a Promising Intervention Tool for Autism

Fill in a 15 min survey

Do you practise Transcendental Meditation already? Are you a meditator who might be autistic or you know that you are on the Autism Spectrum? Share your experience by filling the survey. Your voice and story counts! With your scores we can move away from the purely anecdotal phase to collecting data.

Apply to our research

We are preparing for a larger-scale scientific research.

  • the research will start in 2023
  • We are looking for future participants.

If you are interested type your email address below and we will notify you once we are ready to launch.

Research waiting list

 We appreciate any donation that we can fund this research. Even the price of a coffee matters!

Undiagnosed autism is still autism

I also invite those to take part, who are aware of their symptoms and traits and they have a therapist reference, but failed to receive their “official” diagnosis because of the difficulty of getting one.

The average time to receive a professional autism diagnosis in many countries could take 6-12 months. A private assessment could cost 400-1200 GBP.

By filling out the survey you are joining a movement to share your experience anonymously and the data generated from your answers are valid and can be used for further incentive to pursue academic research.
Thank you for joining!

Research Questions

Does the regular 2x 20 minutes daily practice help people with Autism..
  • to build emotional and mental resilience?
  • to ease or entirely eliminate symptoms like blackout. meltdowns or shutdowns?

Applicants need to

Steps of the Research Process

Apply to our research

If you are interested, type your email address below and we will notify you as soon as we start assessment and recruiting.

Let’s unite!

My story is not the only one. I only intend to become a voice of this healing experience with the practice of Transcendental Meditation. There are so many wonderful people who are already advocating for making the world – for those who live on the spectrum – a more rightful, more livable place. They all share their journey with the intention to support.


The autistic adult community is in urgent need of attention, support and resources, to be offered tools to manage their lives without stress and overwhelming sensations that could derail them.

Or help us right now by filling out
our 15 min survey

Who is the survey intended for?

The journey I have been through exists already in other autistic TM meditators, only that they have not been asked yet. Some of them might not be aware of their own Autism, some might be or even diagnosed already. My intention with this survey is to reach out to all who are aware of their Autistic traits especially if they live with sensory overload, or diagnosed, or their diagnosis is in progress and they have been meditating for a while.

We all think that the right support at the right time makes such a difference...

Share your story

Share your story